Thursday, April 16, 2009

God is Good (ALL the time)!!

April 16, 2009

This isn't the first thought I had today about what to write in my blog, but something huge happened yesterday that I have to share:

For my American Lit class, one of the projects last quarter was a lengthy book review that counted towards the large portion of my total grade. I was out sick most of the week it was due, and was able to come in that Friday for the book forums and talk about my book. My teacher gave me a grace period of a few days to get my work in, however late, and I gratefully turned my report in the second I got to school on the morning it was due.

Several personal matters came up in between that morning last month and yesterday, and my teacher had other classes that were turning in massive papers, so I didn't push the issue of getting my paper back immediately. However, I had a chance to ask her yesterday about where it was, and to my surprise and shock she responded that she never received it.
At this point I was crushed. I felt like my heart had stopped beating, and I couldn't see through the wall of tears I was unsuccessfully hiding.

I went to the library for study hall, completely upset and wondering why God would put this in front of me now. My wonderful librarian told me that God would work things through, and there's a reason for this happening to me even though I didn't know it yet. She said she'd be praying for me and knew God would work everything out for good. I calmed down and realized that I knew this already; I just needed someone else to tell me the same thing. I internally told God that I would let him handle it, and since I can't change the past, I would trust God with the future.

At the end of study hall, I was walking back to my locker when I heard a loud "Katherine!" from my American Lit room. My teacher told me to check my locker, so I quickly went to it and pulled off a note taped to it. The note was from my teacher, telling me that she gave me the benefit of the doubt and looked through her filing cabinet again, and found my report clipped to the back of another document. I was completely estatic as I hurried back to the library. The librarian looked surprised to see me, but I had a huge smile on my face and explained what had just happened. She smiled back at me and said that she was just praying for me but didn't think that God was *that* fast.

The rest of that day was wonderful – I didn't have any homework, I understood the math problems immediately, I had a great lunchtime with friends, and most importantly, I had (and continue to have) a renewed strength and trust in God and his mercies.

The renewed faith did not come from my teacher finding the paper, but from my resolution to let God handle my problems - even if nothing had turned out the way it did.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katherine!
    I found your blog through a comment you left on StuffChristiansLike and I think we have a lot in common! We're close in age and we have both recently started blogging with basically the same purpose.
    It was interesting how you shared your English paper / study hall battle in this post, because I just had something *just* like that yesterday! Wow!
    In any case, thanks for sharing. I hope to hear from you and want to encourage you to keep writing!
